Wednesday, November 25, 2009

UTI Revisited

After asking many times when she was to get up to go to the Doctor's at about 8.45 am she told me she was too tired to get up and dressed. She also thought that she didn't have any reason to see her GP as she was OK. Finally I convinced her that she required more prescriptions to keep her medication up to date and we managed to get out by 9.15 am. Her appointment was not until 10.00 am but I managed to get the practice nurse to look at Margaret's leg. Two of the skin tears were healing quite nicely, one had the skin flap tucked under so it will probably die off and leave a scar the last one was a bit wet so it was redressed and the leg bandaged up again. I shall keep an eye on it for that next few days but at least it is not infected.

Margaret's GP was still concerned with Margaret's continued confusion and odd behaviour. He suspects that she still has complex UTI so I took another sample to pathology collection centre later in the day and we will await results later in the week.

After her visit to the GP I took her to a local cafe for morning tea. She was adamant that she only wanted tea and definitely nothing to eat. I ordered a black tea for her and a white coffee and scone for me. When they arrived she took the scone and started to eat it. The lady who served us had heard the conversation before I ordered and was a little taken aback. I just ordered another scone. It could have been a scene out of Little Britain.

While writing this I have been very stupid. Margaret barged in and wanted to know what I was doing and instead of just telling her I was writing an email or something I told her to mind her own business and leave me alone. Needless to say this upset her and I will now have to calm her down. I think we may go out to lunch today which she normally enjoys.

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