Monday, January 25, 2010

An Afternoon Out

On Sunday afternoon we went to visit friends who have just moved into a new unit in retirement village about 55 km from where we live. We have known them for 35 years so were very keen to wish them happiness in their new home. I bought a nice bouquet of summer flowers for M and we set off about 1.30 pm and got to the village at about 2.15 pm. It is probably over two years since we had seen G ad M and, like us, age is beginning to tell. G has had a hip replacement and suffers from hydroencephalitis and has had a shunt fitted in his brain. This has left him with some dementia but unlike Margaret he has no confusion so he just tells you he cant remember recent things but talks, as always, intelligently about everything else. M has had both hips replaced some years ago but manages very well. G isn't allowed to drive anymore and M does all the driving with G in tow to carry the shopping etc. G is well aware of his deficiencies and they both appear happy in their new home.

During the afternoon we talked about old times and mutual friends and workmates. Margaret joined in where she could and I think she enjoyed herself. We had a tour of the brand new unit which is very nice. It has an open plan living area with kitchen, dining and living areas, three good size bedrooms, one with an en-suite bathroom , another bathroom, laundry and a double garage. It is all set up for wheelchair use and is light and airy. The only reason we wouldn't move there is that the don't allow pets and Louis is with us until he dies.

After a light afternoon tea we left to go home at about 4.45 pm and were home by 5.30 pm int time to take Louis for a late walk.

It was really great to get out and visit somebody. I think that it is over eighteen months since Margaret has visited anybody in their home. We probably will be visiting other friends, J and B, as they move into a retirement village unit next weekend but they are taking there old dog and a new one they have just acquired before moving with them. This village allows you to bring in existing pets but not to replace them when they die.

Margaret is getting more and more confused and I am finding it difficult to explain even simple things to her. As I have said before she just cant manage to work out how to use the computer but that is just a minor thing. Our GPs have just left the practice they were senior partners in to set up on their own. This happened last week and Margaret's GP gave us the phone number of their new offices and told us that appointments can be made from today, the 25th. Margaret wrote "Phone A (her GP)" on our calender for today and also "See A" on Wednesday. She is now getting on at me to phone and make an appointment to see A on Wednesday. I have tried to explain that she has no reason to see A this week. She doesn't need any prescriptions renewed and she is not in need of any immediate medical advice. I said that she should wait until next week when her blood test results would be back and she will also need her Norspan patch prescription renewed. She just cant get this. The calenders says she should phone A and see him this week and that is that. I am responsible for writing things on the calender and now I am preventing her seeing her GP etc. She wont event acknowledge that the writing on the calender is hers and the only note I have is A's new number. She is mad with me again but this time I am calm and under control. I just repeat that she does not need to see a Doctor this week and I will take her early next week. It will slowly sink in.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there
    I'm glad you had a nice Monday. Sounds like a good visit. It's Monday morning here and I've left off from work for a few mins to read your blog. It's dull and chilly here, and my car is in the garage, so I haven't got to the gym either.

    Ah well - back to work


