Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A Catch Up Post

Goodness,  it's over a week since I last updated this blog.  In general it has been fairly quiet.  Margaret was still upset because I was going out on Wednesday afternoon to my computer club. We also were visiting her GP on Wednesday morning so I had to get her up and ready to go at 10.30 am.  Initially she grumbled when I told her before I walked Louis that she should get up at about 10.00 am.  We were ready on time but her GP was running late as usual.  By the time we got into see him Margaret was in a really bad mood.

Margaret had also been complaining about a sore spot on the knee which she had bruised in her last fall.  I looked like she had been bitten by some bug in two places and a deep infection had set in.  The GP prescribed antibiotics as, if untreated, infections run riot in Margaret's run down body.  He decided to give her a rest from blood tests as her renal function has plateaued out at 25%.  Next time she will have a fasting test to also check he cholesterol levels.

We got home in time for Blue Care carer to take over looking after Margaret while I escaped for four hours.  When I got home Margaret grumbled that Louis had spent most of the time with the carer - so much for locking him away!.

On Thursday I re-instated our weekly outing for lunch.  The Tewantin RSL Club has just been upgraded and they have a new Chef so we went and tried it out.  It was a great success and we will go again.

Apart from this we have had a quiet time.  On Saturday I took Margaret and Louis for a walk around Noosa Parklands where we live.  Pushing Margaret in her wheelchair and holding Louis lead is a bit awkward so Margaret held his lead.  She got a bit tired and looped it around her wrist and when he pulled back it slid up her arm and left an enormous bruise.

On Sunday I decided that we should "Flea Bomb" the house as Louis has been picking up fleas from somewhere and we don't want an infestation in the house.  This required us to go out for two hours so I took Margaret and Louis to the Noosa River.  We had a lunch of "take away" fish and chips from the Boat House Restaurant and sat by the river looking at the boats and tourists enjoying a warm, 23C, day out.  Afterwards Louis got to meet lots of other dogs being walked by their owners and had a great time as we strolled in the sunshine.  It was a lovely break for everybody.

Margaret sat in the garden when we got home while I aired the house out and later went back to bed for a rest.

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