Friday, November 12, 2010

Margaret - an Update

Since last Saturday when I last posted Margaret has been getting steadily weaker.  We have visited every day with Helen spending many hours with Margaret each day.  I find I can only take three hours.

Margaret is now unable to speak except in a whisper.  She has difficulty drinking even using a straw and is being fed by Helen who mixes up her food to a consistency which Margaret can swallow.  She can only take her medications crushed up and served in yoghurt.  Her breathing has become more and more laboured.

Her GP visited her on Wednesday and ordered an Arterial Blood Gas Test on Thursday.  This is a very painful test but when I sat with her while it was carried out she didn't seem to notice.  Her GP phoned with the results today.  They were not good.  In the link given above the normal is about 75 mmhg and below  26 the patient is near death.  Margaret is about 30 even with all the diuretics.  She is to have her oxygen intake increased.

Throughout the day her Oxygen Saturation level has been monitored and it has remained below 80 all day.  Margaret is extremely weak and drifting in and out of consciousness.  She recognised me during my visit and didn't want Helen to leave this afternoon.  Helen has just left in a Taxi at 10.00 pm to spend the night with Margaret and I shall relieve her at 8.30 am tomorrow.

Later in the day I shall come home to pick up Louis who she wishes to see.  I expect we will do turn and turn about until things resolve themselves.

1 comment:

  1. thank-you for the up-date

    I'm still reading....and thinking of you, Margaret and Helen .Sue xx
