Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Pathology Results

Yesterday we made it to Margaret's GP to the pathology results. They weren't very encouraging, while not in failure, her kidney function had deteriorated since she left hospital just over two weeks ago. Her Doctor has ordered new blood tests for Monday and is forwarding the results to the Specialist at Noosa Hospital who normally cares for her. We will know the results next Tuesday. He also said she should continue to use the patch to alleviate her pain and keep the Prednisolone at 20 mg a day even though it increases her confusion. She was also to maintain her Frusimide at 80 mg a day.

During the consultation Margaret went off on a tangent asking the doctor, " If it ain't Boeing are you going?" A. was confused until I pointed out that Margaret had been watching a TV documentary on the latest Airbus Software problems where an Airline Pilot used this phrase.

Apart from this the rest of the day was fairly quite. Margaret rested up until dinner time while I walked Louis and watched TV with me afterwards. She was very sleepy and not really following the program, Midsomer Murders. After it finished I helped her to get into bed and she was asleep by about 10.30. I finished my book, The Persimmon tree by Bryce Courtenay and was asleep by 11.30.

Up at 5.00 am and made Margaret a cup of tea as she was also awake. I took Louis for his walk and met J and her cattle dog/red heeler cross after the break in the country. We caught up with each other's news.

Margaret has some pain but I think the patch is taking the edge off it. Today is washing day with a little tidying up.

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