We had a nice central table with just enough space for the wheel chair protected by a rail which meant that Margaret could see everything that was going on but was out of the way of passing diners and of course playing kids.
We started with a selection of nuts and fruits accompanied by a crusty wholemeal loaf and herb butter. Next was a huge seafood platter with prawns, oysters, sushi rolls, smoked salmon and some lobster. It was a meal on its own. I ate the oysters and Margaret most of the prawns and we made inroads into the salmon, sushi and lobster but were couldn't eat it all. I saved six large tiger prawns for later along with some beautiful peaches and plums.
We had a good half an hour's break until the main course of cooked honey glazed ham, roast chicken, roast potatoes etc. We managed to eat some of this.
During dinner we had a visit from Father Christmas - not just the kids. We were given little presents and sweets etc as gifts. Margaret really enjoyed it, especially a cuddle from Santa!
We finished off with Christmas Pudding, custard and ice cream. Margaret had two glasses of sparkling white wine and I had two diet cokes but caught up at home later with beer. We left about 2.00 pm and Margaret was very tired so I got her in a nightie and put her to bed.
I snoozed in the lounge for while before taking Louis, who had been sleeping of a massive Christmas bone, for a walk.
Margaret got up about 7.00 pm and had her prawns with bread and butter for tea while I just had some Christmas Cake.
We watched a movie together before getting Margaret to bed about 10.00 pm.
This morning Margaret is a little breathless and needs watching as she also says she has a sore throat. She had a good night's sleep in spite of it being a warm humid night.
So glad you and Margaret had a Merry Christmas. My family and I had a Merry Christmas also. Lots of snow and cold temps but very sunny.