Monday, December 28, 2009

A Quiet Period

The last couple of days, Boxing Day Saturday and Sunday, have both been very quiet. I have been feeling a bit flat and apart from a little shopping, tidying up around the house, cooking and walking Louis have mainly watched the cricket on TV. Margaret is pretty well bed bound as she hasn't got the "moon boot" to support her injured Achilles Tendon. She is also getting very "chesty" and short of breath if she moves around too much. With her reduced fluid intake she is not on any diuretics and I am a little worried about fluid on the lungs - one of Margaret's chronic problems. Unfortunately our local GPs are not available until tomorrow and Margaret doesn't fancy a four hour wait in our local emergency dept and she in not ill enough, yet, to call an ambulance.

Her specialist is not available until 4th January and she is seeing him on the 6th after more blood tests on the 4th.

I think that the specialist treats the blood mineral deficiency problems and her chronic kidney failure and cancels any medications likely to exacerbate them while her GP treats her cardiovascular problems and pulmonary oedema and re-prescribes them. I would like to get somebody controlling the overall situation. We do have a geriatric specialist in Noosa who could be the answer.

I shall be going shopping in a little while while Margaret stays in bed with Louis lying next to her. She will be on her own for about two hours but she can contact me on my mobile phone in an emergency providing she remembers to just press 2 on her mobile!

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