Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Margaret is Unhappy

I suppose the title is bloody obvious but I feel Margaret has become more and more depressed over the weekend.

Friday lunch was a letdown. The Bowls Club has decided to limit its menu to a few simple dishes at a rock bottom price with a few more expensive specials. Neither menu included Margaret's favourite, Sizzling Garlic Prawns. We decide to go to another restaurant near the river called Maddisons. Here were had a fairly expensive meal with Margaret having a chicken on a Turkish bread roll while I had fish and chips. At least they were nicely presented and well cooked.

The rest of the afternoon Margaret spent resting but she woke up hungry so I made her, the old standby, cheese and tomato sandwich followed by a fresh peach. Margaret did not want to stay up and went to bed early. At about 10.30 pm I looked in on her to find her sitting up on the side of the bed. She was quite distressed and said that she couldn't get to bed properly. I managed to straighten up her bed and get her to lie down but she took some time to go to sleep again.

On Saturday Margaret woke up in an upset state. She is becoming more and more confused about what day it is and was worried that she was missing some appointment or other. She relaxed when I told her it was Saturday and that she could relax all day.

Saturday looked like being a fine day so I decided to only do the washing and spent the rest of the morning mowing the lawns and tidying up the garden. Margaret got quite upset with the noise of my little push mower which is really quite quiet and slammed her bedroom window shut. I split the mowing into two periods and had morning tea in the middle. Margaret wouldn't talk to me nor have a cup of tea.

After finishing the mowing and a couple of loads of washing I asked Margaret what she wanted for lunch and she said that she didn't want anything. Apparently she had had an "accident" which she had cleaned up but she still had pains in her tummy. I asked if she had diarrhea which has been getting recently. She confirmed this and I gave her some Lomotil to settle he tummy down. These are prescribed for this sort of event but have to be used sparingly after diarrhea. I managed to get her to eat a sandwich with Liverwurst and tomato and she rested for the rest of the afternoon.

Margaret had said that she wanted a portion of cold roast chicken for dinner with salad and fruit so I had bought half a roast chicken from the local supermarket. Margaret chose the breast and then after eating the wing left the rest! Louis had the rest the following day for dinner - have I said that he is getting fat?

After dinner Margaret again went to bed early has she still wasn't really talking to me. I managed to delay her taking her tablets until about 10.30 pm which as they include a sleeping tablet meant that she slept most of the night.

Sunday morning she woke in a foul mood and why shouldn't she. I can't see any reason for Margaret to be happy. She is is in constant discomfort in spite of the morphine patch. She has continuous diarrhea causing incontinence and has little or no energy due to her failed adrenal glands and failing kidneys. The problem is that she has only me to take it out on.

Sunday morning I changed my bed linen and put them into wash while I did the house work. I dusted throughout, vacuumed the floors and washed the tiled floor areas. I also cleaned both the bathrooms so by lunch time I was knackered and just wanted to relax in front of the TV. In the middle of the housework I had to help Margaret following two messy "accidents" but Margaret had other ideas, she wheeled herself into the lounge and demanded that I change her bed linen as well. I managed to defer it until after I had walked Louis later in the afternoon. She actually watch the complete first series of "To the Manor Born" during the day but i don't know if she took it all in.

I asked her what she wanted for dinner and she said nothing then changed it to bread and butter and a peach so I gave her that. I had an egg and bacon sandwich which made Margaret very angry. I asked her what she really wanted and she just said that she didn't want eggs or bacon and I told that's what she had - an egg and bacon sandwich less eggs and bacon. She was not amused -once she would have been.

She had another early night.

Monday was more of the same - angry and "accidents". I manged to get her to eat a full roast dinner but by 7.30pm she was angry with me and I don't know why so she took herself of to bed again. I haven't seen much of her for the last few days and when I have she has been angry with me.

Today Margaret went to see her GP to get last Friday's blood test results. They are much the same which is good.

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